About Sarah
I began my academic career studying the mind and human behavior at Rutgers University where I earned my undergraduate degree in psychology. I went on to study clinical social work and the practice of psychotherapy at West Chester University where I earned my MSW degree. Finally, I ended my academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where I earned my DSW degree from the School of Social Policy and Practice. I have advanced training in treatment of trauma, anxiety and relational social work. My early experiences were in providing psychotherapy to children, adolescents, adults, families, couples and groups. I have also worked in many different levels of care, including a psychiatric unit, intensive outpatient and partial hospital programs as well as in college settings, providing emotional support to graduate students with a wide array of life challenges and mental health symptoms.
I became a psychotherapist because I yearn to be a healer in a world where I’ve witnessed people experiencing a lot of pain. Over time I decided that I would specialize in treating trauma. I’ve found that often times people who experienced trauma didn’t see their experiences as “traumas.” However, what they did see was that they struggled with regulating emotions, irritability, anger, depression, self esteem, avoidance, shutting down, isolating, re-experiencing difficult moments, nightmares and sleep patterns. Further, many had interpersonal and relationship difficulties. I enjoy treating anxiety, depression, PTSD, complex trauma, developmental trauma and borderline personality disorder because there are concrete ways to help people get better, cope and change symptoms so that life can be enjoyable.
While adjusting to the current pandemic: COVID19, I am conducting tele-health and phone sessions to ensure treatment is accessible to my clients. Painful experiences and challenges can accumulate and create unwanted mental health symptoms that steal our joy and zest for life. Therapy sessions are dedicated to assist you in finding peace of mind and also empowering you to make necessary changes, so that you can lead a more fulfilling life. I am committed to providing therapy solutions that are anchored in research and deemed effective for improving your quality of life. Together, we will figure out your goals and we will work actively to accomplish them. If you commit to practicing these skills, I will commit to being your guide, coach and biggest supporter.
My time is split between my clinical practice and teaching. I currently teach emerging graduate students about human behavior in the environment and theoretical approaches to clinical social work practice at the University of Pennsylvania in the MSW program.